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Rent (€/m2/month)
Warehouse Space (m2)
Workstation cost (db)
Number of workstations
WPC Gyál
Available : 6.000 - 35.300 m2
For rent: 5 €/m2
Available : 299 - 2.000 m2
For rent: 5.2 - 5.8 €/m2
WPC Herceghalom
Available : 5.000 - 44.617 m2
For rent: 4 €/m2
LogStar Park Budapest Városkapu
Budapest, District 15
Available : 1.300 - 10.257 m2
For rent: 5.5 - 5.75 €/m2
Lőrinci Raktárbázis
Budapest, District 18
Available : 20 - 5.000 m2
For rent: 2.5 €/m2
Csepeli nyitott és fedett raktár
Budapest, District 21
Available : 10 - 500 m2
For rent: 1.9 - 4 €/m2
Újpesti raktár
Budapest, District 4
Available : 24 - 937 m2
For rent: 4.51 - 5.01 €/m2
Szilas Ipari park
Available : 8 - 1.872 m2
For rent: 4 - 5.5 €/m2
We are looking for a 24-ton truck with recovery opportunity.
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Keresés paramétereinek 19 irodaház felel meg.
Harkácsi István
+36 30 644 7655
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