Request an offer from the selected warehouses. Click on the icon to add more warehouses.
Rent (€/m2/month)
Warehouse Space (m2)
Workstation cost (db)
Number of workstations
Available : 299 - 2.000 m2
For rent: 4.95 - 5.8 €/m2
WPC Gyál
Available : 6.000 - 35.300 m2
For rent: 5 €/m2
LogStar Park Budapest Városkapu
Budapest, District 15
Available : 1.300 - 10.257 m2
For rent: 5.5 - 5.75 €/m2
WPC Herceghalom
Available : 5.000 - 44.617 m2
For rent: 4 €/m2
P+P Kereskedőház
Budapest, District 4
Available : 50 - 800 m2
For rent: 4.76 - 5.26 €/m2
SL Ipari Park
Budapest, District 23
Available : 30 - 1.100 m2
For rent: 2.25 - 3.25 €/m2
Újpesti raktár
Available : 24 - 937 m2
For rent: 4.51 - 5.01 €/m2
Ecseri úti telephely -100 m2 - 2000 m2 RAKTÁRAK KIADÓK
Budapest, District 9
Available : 100 - 2.000 m2
For rent: 5.5 - 7 €/m2
We are looking for a dry, tempered warehouse for rent. In terms of area, we would need about 400 square meters in South Buda. Thanks.
Get in touch with the advertiser.
Keresés paramétereinek 20 irodaház felel meg.
Harkácsi István
+36 30 644 7655
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