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Articles - logisztikai központ

Rossmann's new logistics hub in Üllő completed in record time

Rossmann, the renowned drugstore chain, has commenced the installation of advanced system technologies in its new logistics hub.

Faedra Group successfully raised capital in the industrial-logistics sector

With significant investor interest and the maximum issuance amount, Faedra Group successfully raised 17 million euros

Faedra Group exits on Faedra22 – one of the most sustainable, brand-new logistics development in Budapest

Faedra Group, acting as developer and general contractor, has successfully sold its brand-new, ESG-compliant greenfield logistics development in Budapest.

Raben Group launches Eurohub network

The first quarter of 2023 brought groundbreaking changes to the structure of Raben Group. Six locations in Germany, Poland and Czechia have gained the Eurohub status and the competence to manage transport throughout Europe.

Driving ESG ambitions forward. New Raben Group Sustainability Report now available

Raben Group has released its annual Sustainability Report, detailing entire Group’s effort and progress towards achieving ESG goals and highlighting key initiatives made in pursuit of a more sustainable future.

GLP strengthens its position in CEE

GLP, a leading global investment manager in logistics real estate, digital infrastructure and renewable energy, has been operating in Central Europe for nearly three years.

Swedish company is the first tenant of LogiCube Park in Biatorbágy

The first phase of the 21, 000 square meter logistics park in the Budapest area, which will be built in four phases, is on schedule for completion in the last quarter of 2022.

GLP leases 22,000 SQM at Sziget Logistics Centre to Alza

GLP, a leading investor and developer of logistics warehouses and distribution parks, has signed a long-term lease agreement with online retailer Alza.hu for a 22,000 SQM warehouse at Sziget Logistics Centre, Hungary. Construction is already in progress, and the building is due to be finalised in Q3 2022.